Monday, April 11, 2011

free glitter text and family website at

Over the years many animals have become extinct from their habitats being ruined.

People don't know that they are ruining animals' habitats. We are trying to tell people what they are doing wrong so they can correct themselves before it is too late.

Some ways to help are:
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle
  • Pick up litter on the beach and in the woods, or anywhere!
  • Be happy with the space you have, or else the animals might not have any more.
  • Color paper all the way on both sides.
  • Join a club to help protect the animals, or start your own.
  • Donate money to protect their habitats.
  • Write letters to your government representatives about passing laws to protect the environment.
  • Cut down fewer trees.
  • Plant trees and flowers every year.
  • Hunt less.
  • Lower pollution by driving less.